• Question: What will be the greatest scientific achievement of year?

    Asked by Mark.A. to Adrian, Gaia, Jim, Scott, Vicky on 11 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Jim Barrett

      Jim Barrett answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      Well we’re still not very far into the year, but I really feel that this is the year of Gravitational waves! Chances are there will be more detections made this year, so keep watching the news

    • Photo: Scott Lawrie

      Scott Lawrie answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      I second Jim’s gravitational wave answer. That discovery happened a few weeks ago and really had THREE great achievements in one go: 1) the first direct observation of a black hole, 2) the first merger to be seen and 3) the first proof of gravitational waves! Fantastic!

    • Photo: Adrian Buzatu

      Adrian Buzatu answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      Maybe a new elementary particle will be discovered at CERN. It would be the first surprise since the 1970s, and thus a revolution in particle physics.

    • Photo: Gaia Andreoletti

      Gaia Andreoletti answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      For my research field would be the powerful genome-editing technique known as CRISPR
