• Question: What happens if implantation of the foetus takes place in the fallopian tubes?

    Asked by Praveen Fernando to Adrian, Gaia, Jim, Scott, Vicky on 15 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Scott Lawrie

      Scott Lawrie answered on 15 Mar 2016:

      It hurts a lot! Your tubes are so very small that if an embryo implants there and starts growing it’ll very quickly get too big and try to burst out the tube – very painful. It must be removed through surgery 🙁 Thankfully it doesn’t happen all that often and my kids turned out ok :mrgreen:

    • Photo: Gaia Andreoletti

      Gaia Andreoletti answered on 15 Mar 2016:

      It will cause an ectopic pregnancy. Sadly the foetus won’t survive 🙁
      Most are treated before rupture with methotrexate or a prostaglandin
