• Question: How close are you to finding a cure to Ebola?

    Asked by Sazzmeister to Adrian, Gaia, Jim, Scott, Vicky on 9 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Gaia Andreoletti

      Gaia Andreoletti answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      I Sazza, I am personally miles away from finding the cure to Ebola but I am pretty sure that there are plenty of scientists that are working nights and days on it.

    • Photo: Scott Lawrie

      Scott Lawrie answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      The University of Oxford near me is heavily involved with developing an Ebola vaccine and have one of the most developed results, with various clinical trials. There are lots of different cures being developed all over the world, so hopefully it won’t be too long until a definitive vaccine is found.
