• Question: Do you think in 500 years humans will still be here?

    Asked by betsyjean to Adrian, Gaia, Jim, Scott, Vicky on 11 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Gaia Andreoletti

      Gaia Andreoletti answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      Why not? Maybe yes… with all new technologies that helps our lifes I would expect our species to stay on the Earth for quite a loooong time

    • Photo: Adrian Buzatu

      Adrian Buzatu answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      Yes, I think humanity will survive at least 500 years. The challenges would be pollution and avoiding nuclear accidents.

    • Photo: Scott Lawrie

      Scott Lawrie answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      Very difficult question to answer. 500 years is both a very long and a very short time. We could easily have wiped ourselves out with war or global warming in that time. Alternatively we could have sorted out our problems and have colonised other planets in the solar system, meaning even if something bad happens on Earth, everyone on the other planets will be fine. We’ll have to wait and see…
