• Question: Do you like to work alone or in the company of other scientists?

    Asked by james to Scott on 14 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Scott Lawrie

      Scott Lawrie answered on 14 Mar 2016:

      Thanks for the question, James. It’s really a mixed bag. As you know from school science lessons, working on science projects means lots of people have to take part. There’s just too much to do for one person!

      In massive international projects like CERN, people can often contribute from computers in their offices, so don’t necessarily see their co-workers. At my lab, we’ve got lots of reasonably big exciting kit that needs a lot of people to put it together and run it.

      I like it when it’s ‘all hands on deck’ and we all get together to build something! It’s also good taking measurements together so you can talk about it and come up with new ideas. Often there’s alone-time on the computer analysing results, making graphs, writing reports etc, and it is sometimes nice to get away from everyone else, but really the fun stuff happens with people 😀
